Monday, February 7, 2011

New podcasts now available!
DVD Parade Max Week 16 (Green Hornet and Green Lantern 2011 movies) and ImagiNation Max Week 3 (MARVEL dramas part 1 of 2)
Power Rangers Cafe Week 2 and the second week of our memory walkthrough of Power Rangers past.
(Need followers! Join!)
Newest cast, Digital Scribbles Month 1, is previewed!

This week we're working on completing Digital Scribbles Month 1 as well as work on DVD Parade Max Week 17 (MARVEL in 2011), ImagiNation Max Week 4 (MARVEL dramas week 2), Power Rangers Henshin Max Week 5 (premieres of Supah Ninja and Power Rangers Samurai) and Power Rangers Cafe Week 3-4 (the completion of our memory tour of Power Rangers to date).

Friday, February 4, 2011

What's Going on in KoC anyway?

I've been gone for awhile with this thing being as down as it is, so can anyone post info on what's going on in the game these days so I stay up to date on what is going on in the Domain? Thanks.